Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Pill

Brett was King of the Pill

I was reminded a while back that giving a pill of any kind to a German Shepherd can be a long task, almost a game for your GSD. A fun game that they have every desire to win. The medicine will not go down even with a spoonful of sugar or peanut butter.

My reminder came when Polly had to have some anti-biotics. Being a clever human, I plotted to place the pill in her breakfast. And I watched as she ate.  Then next morning I was preparing the bowl I heard a click on the floor. Looking around it turned out to be the anti-biotic pill from the day before.

I don't know how she did it but it seems as she ate she seperated out the pill and dropped it to the side of her bowl without a moments hesitation. She won that game.

Brett was the king of the pill game though. In one near hour long battle I attempted to give him a pill for something.

First we tried rolled in bread, then peanut butter, cheese and then a bowl of food. Brett would look right into my eyes, look soleful and open his mouth and the pill would clatter to the floor. Then with a sniff he would look as if to say "What ya' gonna do now?"

Eventually it got physical, Brett was a big dog, over twenty-eight inches to the shoulder and over six feet long.  I held him in a head lockm pushed his lip against his teeth to stop him biting as I put the pill on the back of his tongue. Quickly letting my thumb off his lip as I withdrew my other hand I held his jaw shut as I stroked the side of his neck eventually I felt him swallow, looked into his mouth, there it was the pill on his tongue, soggy and disolving. He dropped it to the floor.

Walking away from me he flipped his tail and retired undefeated. Champion, King of the pill.

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