Sunday, July 17, 2011

Watch for the "Bunny Hop"

One weak spot for the German Shepherd is their hips. Hip Dysplasia is a common problem for the breed. It is not the end of the dog however,
My dog Brett had Hip Dysplasia and lived happily for over sixteen years. I needed to watch his weight and exercise him carefully but he lived a long and quite active life.

Even in such a healthy dog as Brett was however hip dysplasia began to show as he grew to old age. A characteristic symptom is the "Bunny Hop" gait.

The dog when coming to an obstacle such as a step will climb with their front paws then bring their back legs up the step together, sometimes painfully.

This is the first sign of a weakening of the back, it is progressive and you may notice growing unsteadiness of your dog.

At this time you can discuss with your veterinary surgeon possible drug remedies for your dog. Canine painkillers work for a time and your dog may still enjoy an active life.

Restrict exercise for your dog to gentle walks and less active chasing and running.  Try to keep your dog on good gripping surfaces. A wooden floor may cause slippages for an old dog, causing them and you a great deal of pain and distress. Having to lift an older struggling dog in a confined space of a hallway on a slippery floor can damage your back as well as your pets.

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