Saturday, June 4, 2011

What's that smell?

It is past midnight. The breeze is shaking the trees. The sound of the croaking frogs fills the air. A heavy odour hangs, an odour that the breezr will not take away.

The odour of half burned matches, a sulpherous odour, Mmm now like fresh roast coffee, Urrgh, now like the bubbling of a sulphur pit. Heavily it hangs, an odour I now have come to know. Skunk!

Polly my German Shepherd had wandered out about 9pm, that was when the odour came. Since 9pm she has been washed, I have had two changes of clothes and I am looking to the porch, it will be there we will both sleep tonight.

I have tried to bathe her, but the odour is all pervasive. It clings, my hands smell of skunk, my body smells of skunk, Polly smells of skunk, even the air smells of skunk.

Until I moved to the US five years ago, I had smelled faint traces of skunk on travels around the States. Not until September 2006 did I know the real power of a skunk. Tonight is the third time Polly has found one of those black and white critters an irresistable playmate. Tonight again, I wonder if the world will ever cease to smell of SKUNK!

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